John Coplin


These rare porter bottles are inscribed 

John Coplin wine and spirit merchant and wine & spirit dealer Falmouth.


John was listed in the 1839 - 1862

Trade Directory under Taverns and Public Houses at Lower Road / Prince Street The Royal Oak. 


John Was born in 1808 Falmouth and died in 1881 


At the time of the 1851 census John Was a inn keeper at the royal oak Prince Street aged 43 his wife Jane aged 47 Their children John J aged 21 Alfred aged 17 William G Aged 15 Jane aged  10 and Margaret aged 9 


The Royal Oak Public House in April 1862 there was a public notice announcing that Mr J.Vivian had taken over the running of the Royal Oak from Mr Coplin and that he would continue to supply wine and spirits of all kinds of mild and allsopp's bitter ale and porter home brewed beer.